Hi, SOMEONE appreciates what you do.

You see something needs doing, something needs to change and someone must do something: 

That someone is you, and you can create that change!

The world needs dreamers, and it needs those dreamers to turn their dreams into real tomorrows.

You’ve got this! 👍

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) CashTokens Token ID




SOMEONE represents the collective positive energy of the human population. 



Reward SOMEONE's good actions or intentions with SOMEONE, and receive SOMEONE for being truly SOMEONE! 



Send or receive SOMEONE in a purely peer-to-peer fashion using CashTokens on Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Open Market

The initial open market supply was set as

... raises right hand pinkie to face ... 

1 million SOMEONE, with 1 SOMEONE = 1 Satoshi.

The initial relationship of 1 SOMEONE = 1 Satoshi was because we all are Satoshi!

Whatever it is that SOMEONE does for purely peer-to-peer cash and BCH, it matters. 

Keep it up, so that from "We all are Satoshi!" we evolve to "We all are SOMEONE!"

Token Distribution

🟠 (done) 1m liquidity pool for the open market

🟣 (ongoing) 1m airdrop to the community of SOMEONEs - distributed in 300-500 increments, targeting 2k-3k different supporters of SOMEONE, which corresponds to the number of SOMEONEs in t.me/bchchannel when SOMEONE tokenized SOMEONE

🔵 (ongoing) 1m to SOMEONE pioneers - 

distributed: 200k to first additional liquidity provider, 100k each to 4 other pioneers (ongoing),

pending distribution: 100k to 5th pioneer when SOMEONE will be able to tip SOMEONE via a noncustodial Telegram bot linked to a standalone wallet app, 300k to founders after the airdrop ends

🟤 (future) 1m reserved for future project operations - none of it issued yet, all of it held in the reserve supply address, will be issued partially in 10k increments when needed and itemized publicly

🟢 (future) the rest of SOMEONE ... 

Circulating Supply

The current circulating supply is under 2m.

Summing up the public pool, airdrops, pioneer rewards, and the earmarked project operations funds, there would be at most 4m SOMEONE in circulation.

Total Supply

But wait, there is more to it, there certainly are more than just 4m people in the world.

Right, right?


The United Nations projects that the world population will reach 10 billion by 2060 (source: worldometers.info/world-population).

Hence, the absolute maximum supply of SOMEONE to be ever issued is 10B.

"SOMEONE is the first ever POPA coin, a Proof of Peer Appreciation token 

designed to be distributed based on 

Peer-Approved, Peer-Appreciated, Peer-to-peer Actions."


POPA: Proof of Peer Appreciation

The rest of 99.96% SOMEONE appreciation tokens will be issued incrementally and distributed individually to SOMEONEs who interact in a purely peer-to-peer (p2p) fashion via peer-approved, peer-appreciated, p2p actions.

This will happen over the coming years. Since the BCH fork in 2017, there have been about 165m transactions total (source: blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/charts/total-transaction-count) and not all of these p2p actions were what SOMEONE could consider peer-appreciated.

Even if eventually averaging 200m peer-approved, peer-appreciated, p2p actions over the next decades, it would take roughly 50 years to distribute all 10B SOMEONE to SOMEONEs.

SOMEONE is designed to encourage p2p actions and thus increase the total count of on-chain transactions.

Ideally, when CashTokens Studio allows for multisignature AuthKey management, the control of SOMEONE's reserve supply and issuance privelages would be transferred to SOMEONE's partner apps.

The reserve supply address will issue SOMEONE in 10k increments (0.0001% of the theoretical maximum supply) to addresses controlled by SOMEONE's partner apps, for individual distribution when needed, until all 10B SOMEONE will have been distributed.

Is 99.96% distribution to SOMEONEs who use BCH and CashTokens in a purely p2p fashion fair? SOMEONE certainly thinks so!

Think of 1 SOMEONE as a 1 cross-platform like, with the ultimate goal of there being at most 10B likes in the whole world to be circulated around. Before we get to that point, SOMEONE thus also serves as a counter of SOMEONE's purely p2p activity.

Potential SOMEONE partner apps could include, subject to discussion with each brainstormed project below:

Cauldron.quest - Each pool owner with a minimum 1 BCH value receives 1 SOMEONE for each continuous 24h the pool stays active, and has at least 1 executed trade.

AnyHedge - Each of the 2 counterparties receives 1 SOMEONE when the hedge contract settles.

BCH.guru - Each of the 2 counterparties receives 1 SOMEONE when the price prediction contract settles.

Paytaca - Each of the 2 counterparties receives 1 SOMEONE when their p2p marketplace trade for goods over $10 settles. Also, each of the 2 counterparties (both customer and merchant) receives 1 SOMEONE when Paytaca POS is used for a purchase over $10.

PurelyPeer - Whoever funds a PurelyPeer quest receives 1 SOMEONE when a cashdrop from that quest is collected. The collector receives 1 SOMEONE as well. Also, PurelyPeer quest creators receive 1 SOMEONE from peers who rate their quest positively by sending 1 SOMEONE to the quest.

NOSTR-like BCH social media app - 1 SOMEONE is equivalent to 1 like and only SOMEONE who had made a purely p2p transaction before and/or had received the appreciation from SOMEONE else could pass on the SOMEONE to SOMEONE. That way, only those most active voices in our purely p2p economy would be able to upvote content of SOMEONE else.

Other DeFi apps - Yet to be determined, but the goal is clear - to reward purely p2p activity with 1 SOMEONE to each of multiple SOMEONEs who interact with each other.

BONUS (not an app, but certainly a Peer-Approved, Peer-Appreciated, Peer-to-peer Actions interaction) - Local BCH meetups - Verified BCH ambassadors distribute 1 SOMEONE to SOMEONE each time SOMEONE attends their meetup in person.